So, we were up early to catch a bus at 8.13am from 中央道日野 Hino bus stop. (Check out and book from costs JPY1525 one way and takes just over an hour to reach Fujikawaguchiko Station(河口湖駅)
To get to Hino Bus Stop, first you gotta take train(s) to Koshukaido Station 甲州街道駅 and take a walk to the bus stop on a highway. Here's a video from YouTube which will guide you to the bus stop. (TRUST ME, YOU NEED THIS >> <<)
After we got off at Kawaguchiko Station, we headed straight to the tourist information counter to purchase the Sightseeing bus ticket. It's a two-day pass which costs JPY1200 per person. Get the route map and bus timetable so that you can plan your trip around kawaguchiko.
The buses will go around two lakes - Lake Kawaguchiko and Lake Saiko. There's two route, the Green and the Red Line.
The map looks like this. Well as you can see the stations are numbered. Sometimes the driver will mention the station number but sometimes they don't. So just take note on where you planning to go, if you are unsure at anytime just ask the driver. They'll be more than happy to help you.
Kawaguchiko Natural Living Centre
Reflection of Mt Fuji on the lake.
It was almost noon and the iced layer on top of the lake was slowly melting and the reflection of the mountain was reduced too. Therefore it'll be a good idea to go earlier in the morning.
Lunch :9
Is it just my time because I think the choices of eatery is very limited here. So we simply settled down at any restaurant we see when we felt hungry.
Saiko Iyashi no Sato NENBA
An area with traditional houses, inside the houses displayed different things like the history of Saiko Lake, Fujikawaguchiko etc. Some houses are selling handcrafts and stuffs also.

can't help. Must have ice cream anywhere I go. ahahahah!
This place has that Japanese street feel wor. like those we saw in comic and anime
Then we headed back to our hotel. We were staying at Fujihashi Resort Inn (富士橋)
welcome drink and biscuits hahah!
Our room for three.
died off straight with the heater table.
couldn't resist the temptation by this fried chicken.
Their bathroom. It's a open bath and, MIX. wtf.
Thank god no one came in while i was showering. LOL
Woke up to this view from our room. not bad leh. hehehe
Room rate includes breakfast....
Dining hall
Breakfast freshly made by the owners. YUMS
Started our day to the CAVES:::::
Here's one of the two famous 'caves' right beside Fuji Mount.
To see these.
Walked about 15minutes to reach another cave -- the ice cave (sorry forgot what's it's English name.)
Now this is where they get ice in the past. It's freezing cold and slippery in the cave, so watch your steps!
Stay close to your bus timetable because you need to walk back to the first cave to catch the sightseeing bus. We actually ran a distance because the bus was there at the station. If we missed that bus we will need to wait for another hour.
Went back to the hotel to get our baggage. And the owner sent us to Kawaguchiko Station. THAT WAS SO NICE. HEHE!
Had our lunch nearby the station. In Yamanashi, there's this famous pan-mee-like noodles called 'Hoto' ほとう.
Didn't know the portion was THAT HUGE so we ordered one each. WTF. crazy.
All three of us were trying so hard to finish.
It's also kind of like udon, but the flattened version of udon.
HAHAH this is too cute.
Then we went to inquire about the Oshino Hakkai 忍野八海 (8 Lakes)
To reach that place you'll need to take a train to Fujisan Station, then from Fujisan Station take a bus to Oohashi 大橋
At Oshino Hakkai, there are 8 different lakes that you can look out for. Here's a little bit about the lakes.
"Mysterious Spring Water"
In the past, Oshino Lake passed through many eruptions of Mt. Fuji, water from the lake eroded and drained gradually the vallet between Mt Fuji footage and Misaka Mountains, and the lake dried up eventually after a long period. However, there are several spring ponds left that are originated from the underflow water of Mt. Fuji. Oshino Hakkai are famous among these spring ponds.
The snow over Mt Fuji melts and penetrates into the ground, impermeable layer between the lave, is filtrated for several decades, and appears as pure clear spring water. The beautiful and mysterious looking scenes including Mt. Fuji, that is reflected over the surface, through four seasons, seem to appeal quietly a true nature and beauty of water to be preserved.
お釜池 Okamaike Pond
- A small pond but with abundant quantity of spring water. The smallest pond among the Oshino Hakkai Ponds. -
出口池 Deguchiike Pond
- The largest pond among the Oshino Hakkai Ponds and is located away from other ponds. -
To get to this pond you'll have to walk a distance. And I think this is the pond that is located nearest to Mt Fuji. (When I was there, hahahha, I was thinking Oh shit what if Mt Fuji decided to erupt now....How fast can I run. LOLOL)
菖蒲池 Shoubuike Pond
- The pond where the beautiful legend concerning the iris flowers remains. -
Well, after looking at all the 8 ponds here, i concluded that....
DO NOT COME DURING WINTER. It's not as scenic as what you can see from catalog or internet because all the plants nearby are......
Only Wakuike Pond and 鏡池 Kagamiike Pond are worth to see. LOL
One mirror-fie because my legs appear to be thin here. HAHAHA
Shared plate of dinner before hopping onto the bus heading back to Tokyo. That croquette is so cute!! Mount Fuji's shape. hahahah!
--- End of Day 6 and 7, 20150113 & 20150114 ---
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