Every family has their own way to stay connected and maintain relationship among themselves. Every parents have their own thinking about the family environment they ought to provide to their children.
have followed my boyfriend to some of his family occasions already. like gatherings, birthday etc etc. everytime there's only one thought that is in my mind, this family is so different from mine. They stay really connected. look at mine. EMO. The cousins seem to be able to get along with each other so well. look at mine. They dont talk to me and i won't talk to them.
let's not talk about the BIG family. just his family itself. they are so bonded to each other. they can talk to their parents. they can cry in front of their parents. they can discuss with their parents when something came up.
My parents are like, 'You should clean up your own shit.'
'Don't fking cry, crying brings bad stuff to the house!' (lol)
'Less than 90 marks? What's wrong with you? Go kneel down in front of the [san toi]!'
although my dad has changed a lot this few years cause we all have grown, i think it's too late already. i don't talk to my parents about my problem because i don't know if they will scold me or think that im weak/stupid. I don't even talk much to my siblings.
I am still, somehow scared of my dad. (and his belt)
i see their mother back them up all the time. how i wish my mom will do just a little bit like that. praise me just a little bit once in a while. say something good about me when her friends ask about me...
She only will say, 'Chun dou sei/ mou guai yong!' (cantonese)
'Fa hiao.'
'ca po kia chat.' (hokkien)
'don't always think you have a bit smartness then very geng.'
forever exaggerate the bad things, and my good side is totally invisible for her. -.- Well, she's somehow supportive for my sister and brother tho. Because my sister can get scholarship ma.
im not emo now lol.
My dad has his story and his background to make him behave that way, i know some friends who fit in the same shoes. Just..i dont know. this is a crap post also. might delete it after a few days. hahaha!
shit its 4am already!!
Life in progress ...

Thursday, 23 January 2014
Saturday, 18 January 2014
my Legalization
and so, its my 3rd day of being 21 already.
i wasn't emo like i did last year when i was going to turn 20, because turning 21 is actually quite something to be happy about? Finally legal.
I can now walk into casino like a boss.
i can now walk into zouk like a boss.
i can now be married without needing a permission. ( i am just listing out what i can do, doesnt mean that i want to hahaha)
ehh..like nothing else also? hmm.
got not much mood to celebrate because im in the midst of preparing for my EOS 2 coming right after CNY. ohmaigad i havent touch respi and cvs is only halfway done. but i did have some memorable one with all these people vvvvv
#1 : 2014-01-13 (Monday)
there's this guy, Mr Richard Tan ajak me to have dinner on monday because he has started his internship to work and only free on Mondays. so ok lo, and he said just 2 of us. and i was like ok ah we go pak toh lo.
So on Monday itself, after being screwed by mock OSPE and CSU practice in the afternoon...got back home and get ready. he said he'll pick me up at 7.30 but we left at 8pm because he needed to shit. (so were you really needing to shit that day or just buying time for the others?)
Arrived at Souled Out sri hartamas. said he booked a table and we were walking upstairs. then he told me, 'Actually i have a surprise for you.' and asked me to close my eyes. He led me to the seat and when i open my eyes i saw the bunch of dpc humans. hahaha! baby you know what, you should have just bring me in like normal and i'll be more surprise. i guess. HAHA because when you said you have a surprise for me, all the possibilities have ran into my mind. And these people are on the top of the list. So i wasn't REALLY surprise when i saw their faces. hahahahhaha! or i will be really surprise if i see my secondary school besties/ brathers sitting over there. Ooops. =P
*the surprise i had that day was Zerky. LOLLL
After souled out we all creep to Justin's house. it's actually his birthday on the 14th and i was so paise all the time at Souled Out because it felt like.... i don't know how to describe. hahaha!

hehehes. Got a pendant from my boy. Got a set of sports wear under the handmade Doraemon cardboard from Sean Dee. Got some pretty stuffs from the gang too. so much blessing i have been given to, have their participation in my life. yumss
i wasn't emo like i did last year when i was going to turn 20, because turning 21 is actually quite something to be happy about? Finally legal.
I can now walk into casino like a boss.
i can now walk into zouk like a boss.
i can now be married without needing a permission. ( i am just listing out what i can do, doesnt mean that i want to hahaha)
ehh..like nothing else also? hmm.
got not much mood to celebrate because im in the midst of preparing for my EOS 2 coming right after CNY. ohmaigad i havent touch respi and cvs is only halfway done. but i did have some memorable one with all these people vvvvv
#1 : 2014-01-13 (Monday)
there's this guy, Mr Richard Tan ajak me to have dinner on monday because he has started his internship to work and only free on Mondays. so ok lo, and he said just 2 of us. and i was like ok ah we go pak toh lo.
So on Monday itself, after being screwed by mock OSPE and CSU practice in the afternoon...got back home and get ready. he said he'll pick me up at 7.30 but we left at 8pm because he needed to shit. (so were you really needing to shit that day or just buying time for the others?)
Arrived at Souled Out sri hartamas. said he booked a table and we were walking upstairs. then he told me, 'Actually i have a surprise for you.' and asked me to close my eyes. He led me to the seat and when i open my eyes i saw the bunch of dpc humans. hahaha! baby you know what, you should have just bring me in like normal and i'll be more surprise. i guess. HAHA because when you said you have a surprise for me, all the possibilities have ran into my mind. And these people are on the top of the list. So i wasn't REALLY surprise when i saw their faces. hahahahhaha! or i will be really surprise if i see my secondary school besties/ brathers sitting over there. Ooops. =P
*the surprise i had that day was Zerky. LOLLL
lols it looks like im turning 40 instead of 21. stupid eyebags
Best part of the dinner was when i were to put on lipsticks for everyone so that they can complete the cardboard on the spot. HAHA so funny especially Brandon. he was shivering when i was putting on the sexy red lipstick for him. lololololol whose idea was that hahahah =D
the sexy lips stains <3 i like how sparky and husky's photos are on it too hahaha!
carrots, broccoli, brinjal, eggs, potatoes. all my favourite food hahahah! WHERE IS THE TAUFU??
look at the handwriting. errmagad =P
Group Photo of the day
Ritchie Ninja!! urgh
i also had what i 'wished' for in my previous blog post : A pizza with 21 small candles on it. it was a salmon pizza! so gooooood. =D got my tummy so much satisfaction in just one night. but the candles couldn't really stand well on the pizza so one of them actually fell and started burning the piece of salmon. *smoked salmon* HAHAHA and the plastic 'happy birthday' thingy was on fire too! LOLL dangerous. dangerous. XD
the burnt salmon pizza and i =O
hehehes. Got a pendant from my boy. Got a set of sports wear under the handmade Doraemon cardboard from Sean Dee. Got some pretty stuffs from the gang too. so much blessing i have been given to, have their participation in my life. yumss
had a great night after all. all the crazy funny people. =D
#2 : 2014-01-16, Thursday
them three came to have dinner with me. it wasnt really a surprise because
- PLC was the one who asked me out and if he is going to come over, someone will be fetching him (means he wasn't alone)
- Guard hse called me and said there's a visitor Mr Yeong
one little surprise i got was Adeline. HAHAHAHHA!
so we had dinner at Fitou, and some 'heart talk' until ~12am. Wanted to stay longer but the next table was smoking and yeah....so we decided to leave. And Limin suddenly say let's go Genting. And so we decided to go (forgot about the whole Thaipusam thing at that moment LOL)
When we were just about to leave, i saw PLC waving to someone, and i thought who..hahaha it's BABY! =D
So....our spontaneous trip to Genting.
Stuck in the jam at mrr2 for 1.5hrs. i never knew malaysia has so many indians until that day. reached genting at 2.45am! LOLs and hardly found a place to sit down. everywhere's closed. only starbucks at First world. ngiek. It was so coldddddd and foggy. can't see the road when driving up haha. cigek dao.
Starbucks > McD until ~6.30am only we get down from genting. still foggy lols.
Reached my place and thought we can have some bfast? but adeline and limin were dying already. HAHAHAH!!!
Nothing else is random anymore compare to that night. We are all nuts. hahaha
they got me this (PLC was the one buying). some night cream thingy..bcz he thinks that i don't sleep anymore therefore need some skincare stuffs.
and the day after i see this.
#3 : 2014-01-17, Friday
just got down from genting in the morning therefore i have been sleeping all the time until 1pm.
tried to study some lectures before dinner. Just a simple steamboat at home with family and my secondary school besties! (awkward one XD)
instead of singing me the birthday song.......
another round of 21 candles =P
brother just fell down in the morning, spot the excoriation on the tip of his nose. hahaha!
received awesome stuffs from my girls. hehehes.
this one!! hahah! so simpleeee but i likeeeeee
everyone gives EC a thumb's up.
Scrapbook about our trip to Sg last year.
sibeh niceee. hahaha! btw EC what if i never upload those photos? XDXD
ngaww, so much love. hahahah!
Sunday, 12 January 2014
Fantastic day
i have been reading reading and reading but i think nothing goes into my mind.
feeling useless. very very useless.
no movie.
wasted time.
ice cream.
i had one.
and the cramp is gonna get worse.
oh, such a good day. fantastic.
100+ sets of lectures to be covered.
feeling useless. very very useless.
no movie.
wasted time.
ice cream.
i had one.
and the cramp is gonna get worse.
oh, such a good day. fantastic.
100+ sets of lectures to be covered.
Monday, 6 January 2014
turning 21..soon enough
thought i can reward myself with blogging tonight, because i have covered 3 lectures so far, 1 more later perhaps? or i will start doing my pbl. I know it might not sound productive, 3 lectures out of the 43 in just ONE SYSTEM, and i have THREE FREAKING SYSTEMS to cover for this semester, have not included the 154 foundation block's lectures. OHMYGAD
but it's my 'personal best' so far. hahahah!
have been hanging quite often nowadays, i have actually posted about my anniversary dinner on dayre already. haha!
but this post is..hmm, especially for you. my blogspot. XDXD
one more thing is because the app 'Bump' is going to shutdown by the end of this month. so i guess it's a hint, hitting me back here on my regular blog.
Today's topic is ...
it's a brand new year and it's JANUARY :D
The very first thing i want for my birthday this year is....
MORE TIME and A PASS for my exam.
i need more time to cover all the lectures man....i have exactly one month from now until my final. Now i really think that deciding to go to Japan with my family during CNY is a real bad idea T_T
i don't need flying colours, especially for my OSCE.
a freaking healthy body please.
my hip pain is back recently since before christmas, i figured the source of the pain is the same as the one i had few months back (i think), but this time it occurs on the right. I would say this time the pain is not as often as last time but the pain is very distracting. i couldn't sleep well, need some time to stand up slowly from a sitting position, and realize my right leg has got no strength, painful as i trying to keep my right leg straight. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU SERIOUSLY.
alot of time i take out my painkiller, but ended up not eating any tablets. because i thought i can endure it until the end of this week where i will go consult the orthepedist again.
Of course, im always hoping for health for everyone i care every year on my birthday.
something 'keys'
Because im turning 21 this year. of course im expecting something keys which symbolizes legalization and freedom. although i have alot of keys in my bag right now.
but the LV one shown in this picture looks nice. literally 'Key-chain' =P
reading up till this point, you may find that you wasted some time because most of the things in my wishlist are so.... 'extraordinary'? hahahha.
actually what i want the most from people around me are Time and Attention. also what i want to give to the people around me.
I lost 2 close relative in 2weeks time last year, I also lost my dear Yeahoo. If you ask me, i regret for not paying more attention and not spending more time with them when they were still around. Yeahoo mean so much to me even though it was just 3 years. he gave me so much attention all the time. i wish i could do the same to him again.
but it's my 'personal best' so far. hahahah!
have been hanging quite often nowadays, i have actually posted about my anniversary dinner on dayre already. haha!
but this post is..hmm, especially for you. my blogspot. XDXD
one more thing is because the app 'Bump' is going to shutdown by the end of this month. so i guess it's a hint, hitting me back here on my regular blog.
Today's topic is ...
it's a brand new year and it's JANUARY :D
The very first thing i want for my birthday this year is....
MORE TIME and A PASS for my exam.
i need more time to cover all the lectures man....i have exactly one month from now until my final. Now i really think that deciding to go to Japan with my family during CNY is a real bad idea T_T
i don't need flying colours, especially for my OSCE.
a freaking healthy body please.
my hip pain is back recently since before christmas, i figured the source of the pain is the same as the one i had few months back (i think), but this time it occurs on the right. I would say this time the pain is not as often as last time but the pain is very distracting. i couldn't sleep well, need some time to stand up slowly from a sitting position, and realize my right leg has got no strength, painful as i trying to keep my right leg straight. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU SERIOUSLY.
alot of time i take out my painkiller, but ended up not eating any tablets. because i thought i can endure it until the end of this week where i will go consult the orthepedist again.
Of course, im always hoping for health for everyone i care every year on my birthday.
i don't think i will be able to run and lift this high with this stupid painful ass.
An Aeroplane.
im not kidding. i have always wanted to learn to be a pilot (airplane, not a helicopter one). just for fun.
alright actually i was kidding about owning an aeroplane. i want a looooooong vacation instead, or alot of holidays. can be on cruise, or train! sounds romantic. Now in my list there's so many targeted destinations
USA, Northen europe to watch aurora, Rome with my husband in the future, Taiwan and Hong Kong AGAIN. HAHAH! i don't know, im not going there to do sightseeing or shopping..i just want to go there. i think i would love to live there is i could. hahahahah
but i really want to learn to fly an aeroplane!
A pizza.
no, a chef.
No, a chef who will bake me pizza. hehehehe! i just love pizza so muchhhhh. i shall blow the candles on pizza instead on cakes since i don't really eat sweet stuff. haha! omnomnomnom
*btw, i want my birthday cake/pizza to have 21 small candles on it!! i love to see lots of candles XD
woooohoo! yes, an iphone 6! my next phone will be apple. because my Note has been giving me lots of prob and im not trusting samsung anymore.
but yeah, this is just a random picture i got from google image, not official one.
although i really want all those that i have listed up there, im still looking for a nice watch to get. nahh nahh, im just sharing my WISH. hahahaha! my kind of watch is somthing like this.. simple, elegant, no gadget at all not even dates. No numbering, but roman is acceptable. i really like the CK watches, but those i like has got no 'second hand', which is quite crucial for us as medical student. aiya....i'll keep searching. Dad, Rolex? =D
i find Michael Kors' watches nice as well (those featured on magazines), but i never seen them in the store. WHY LAAA
Sunglasses! baby, of course i know those cheapo sunglasses are not good for the eyes. but i just find it difficult to get a pair of nice shades that i like and of an affordable price. hahaha! also i am still struggling whether to change the glasses into a power lens or not since 2-3 yrs ago. LOL until now still undecidable. because i don't really like to wear contact lens.. grr. HOW?
A storage cabinet.
yeah, because you know, im quite a messy woman. my room is like....!@#$%^&*
i realized i always have an eye on something i want but i never buy it. i wanted to buy a bookshelf-liked cabinet from ikea since last year. i went with my mum and she agreed to buy it too. but it was too long and she said my car will not fit, save it till next time -.- GRAHHH! until now. LOL
something 'keys'
Because im turning 21 this year. of course im expecting something keys which symbolizes legalization and freedom. although i have alot of keys in my bag right now.
but the LV one shown in this picture looks nice. literally 'Key-chain' =P
reading up till this point, you may find that you wasted some time because most of the things in my wishlist are so.... 'extraordinary'? hahahha.
actually what i want the most from people around me are Time and Attention. also what i want to give to the people around me.
I lost 2 close relative in 2weeks time last year, I also lost my dear Yeahoo. If you ask me, i regret for not paying more attention and not spending more time with them when they were still around. Yeahoo mean so much to me even though it was just 3 years. he gave me so much attention all the time. i wish i could do the same to him again.
Sunday, 5 January 2014
it was our 1st anniversary on 1st Jan, and he got me a bouquet of blue roses on our dinner date :)
came back from Singapore with my secondary school buds before new year. haven't had time to blog about it, maybe im not going to, lol? it will just end up like all the other traveling posts. Gone halfway haha!
just took this photo like an hour ago. so pretty.
Good start for my new week, perhaps. it's also my last week of class in sem 2 already. OMG bless meeeeeee
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