Life in progress ...

Life in progress ...

Thursday, 19 November 2015


It's been 11 weeks since i started clinical phase in Seremban.
Some days are boring.
Some days are delightful.
Some days are gloomy.
There's at least something to impact you almost every week, if not everyday.

Might be an epic conversation with the patient.
Might be your first time getting some findings.
Might be your retarded friends, colleagues or teammates.
Might be workload.
Might be lack of sleep.
Might be a furious houseman/staff nurse/matron.
Might be an epic night out back to KL on a weeknight.
Might be the cute looking senior/doctor.
Might be expensive but low quality food.
Might be a funny and inspiring lecturer/ bedside teaching.
Might be presentation after presentation.
Might be getting praised because you made such a badass floor plan like a professional interior designer.
Might be a death.

You never know what's waiting for you in the next minute.
You never know.

Whatever it is, i always tell myself-
Conceal don't feel, don't let them know.
hahaha just kidding. that's Frozen's line.
Feeling is a bitch. It really is.
Maybe, to some extent, healthcare providers should all be robotised.