just remember if you don't treat her well, somebody else will.
Life in progress ...

Thursday, 23 May 2013
Monday, 20 May 2013
Tuesday 5/21/2013
here again.
Sunday night i slept 3hrs, last night i slept 3hrs. so i slept in the lecture this morning.
and the funny thing is, i dreamt about playing volleyball, and i was doing the serving.
LOLLL thats soooo stupid .______.
shall do a quick one and go back to get my shit done =P
finally started my AIR Topic..when people has already finished and submitted -.-
basement membrane ah basement membrane.
tumor ah tumor.
did the first part and im constipated already.
life is a bitch.
be a fucker to get over it.
Sunday night i slept 3hrs, last night i slept 3hrs. so i slept in the lecture this morning.
and the funny thing is, i dreamt about playing volleyball, and i was doing the serving.
LOLLL thats soooo stupid .______.
shall do a quick one and go back to get my shit done =P
Ben's Pavilion last Friday with lovelies =D
while waiting for PH, we had desserts first before main course hahaha
while waiting for PH, we had desserts first before main course hahaha
ice cream won't go wrong :3
just that i don't like the caramel gahahha
im addicted to apple crumble recently..yes i meant it -.-
this one is hugeeee
i see fats.
tummeh -___-
last night, went Publika to meet up with the college human.
when i arrived they were at Ben's, i was thinking, "NOOOO :O " hahahhaha
they were just having tea there lol. afterwards we moved to Solaris Mont Kiara.
wanted to eat Chinese cuisine but zap lap dy lol so we settled down at Ole-Ole Bali
environment is goooood
my Siap Mepanggang (BBQ Chicken w spicy coconut sauce)
Nasi Campur (prawn, squid, beef/chic sausage)
And then walked few steps to Michelangelo's.. aha my alcoholic gang.
first try on this....and
forgot what is this HAHA
the rat face as usual. HAHAHAHA
people come and people go,
you put too much effort in missing someone who has gone, you dumb. Always remember to treat yourself better.
My turn to get down, perhaps.
爱是没有回头的路 关于爱的定义模糊
就算最后受了伤害 不在乎
你是最甜蜜 是又痛又傻 我的心 都不會退
有時候 轉一個彎的幸福 才是最真的幸福
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
im bored.
im pissed.
im urghhhh!
im soon yee. lol crazy
recently im so pissed with the IT world man....
my pc was attacked by viruses. ok. i may sound dumb here, im not sure whether my pc was equipped with anti-virus or some scanning program ( ok, guys, how to spell this? program or programme? LOL )..so when people asked me to scan and/or delete, please excuse my dumbness, but HOW TO SCAN??
David told me, reformat lo, then i answered, k lo when i go back home i shall send my pc to ppl. then he was like, "lol, you can reformat yourself." and yeah, i was like REALLY??? and he said, "ohh man, you really know nothing about this."

im pissed.
im urghhhh!
im soon yee. lol crazy
recently im so pissed with the IT world man....
my pc was attacked by viruses. ok. i may sound dumb here, im not sure whether my pc was equipped with anti-virus or some scanning program ( ok, guys, how to spell this? program or programme? LOL )..so when people asked me to scan and/or delete, please excuse my dumbness, but HOW TO SCAN??
David told me, reformat lo, then i answered, k lo when i go back home i shall send my pc to ppl. then he was like, "lol, you can reformat yourself." and yeah, i was like REALLY??? and he said, "ohh man, you really know nothing about this."
i've told you im real dumb in this when we started the topic. lol
GOOGLE is my bestfriend. i love him so much.
so i just follow the steps people provided online....and i guess the virus is gone?
now another thing.
when i plug in my external hard disk and open the file, i was like WHAT THE FREAKING HELL............................................ there's only two pictures inside, and 2 documents i did 3 years back.
but when i check in 'My Computer', the memory for the disk is almost full...
what is happening? =(
and i got to uni i asked Leonard, he said crashed and said restore it. does that mean that...i will lose everything in it? :O
i hope it's my laptop's problem :( and the pictures and files are still there....
*pray hard*
came across with this picture when i was stalking people..ahh, yeah. i stalk when im bored. i haven't get my ass up to study yet because the 2nd OFA is....6 weeks away? mmhmm way too chill.
miss being in TCSH tho.
and i went to TULC library to get some resources for AIR topic..err...taylor's library is sooooo awesomeeeeee and when i sat there i was thinking, what would happened if i failed to meet the requirement for imu and just went to taylor's instead?
i will be in sem 2 already.
why did i choose imu over taylor's back then?
because of the twinning options lo.
taylors can only do credit transfer to St George's, im not saying the SGUL is not my choice, it still is. just that only 5ppl in each batch will be able to do the credit transfer..and for me, there's a risk.
so taylors, widen ur transfer option =P
well, never look back, imu is fun too :3
meet up with le girls again, this time with EC and RJ around. hohoho
ahh time flies.
but everytime with them, i feel like we are still sooooo young and childish
in fact,
PH is graduating soon and currently doing internship already.
RJ and YX too, seem like they're graduating in a year or two.
everyone is fast, except the A level's kids (yes, WJ and I, sad. so old already just started 1st sem, and both of us are choosing the courses with loooongest duration. so awesome see how are we wasting our time. LOL)
hahahahahhaha! were talking about the horror movies..
and when EC said, the nightmare on Elm street is really scary.
mmhmm. and see how did i survive the whole movie alone in cinema when ppl ffk.
i hope im just having a bad dream, and then when i wake up again, my pc will be fine, my hard disk will be fine, everything is fine.
ahh, back and ass hurt..too hardcore yesterday, doing exercises and yoga. lol
Sunday, 12 May 2013
might be a lil late to talk about the 13th Malaysian General Election held last Sunday. cause i need some time for myself to back my broken heart up. lol.
my dad has actually warned me not to post anything extreme regarding the politics online since so looooooooong time ago. now i think about it, im not that extreme though, i guess.
So yeah, last Sunday morning the polling started.. im not qualified to vote yet, aha, one more year to be legal to register as a voter.
i have to say, i was so eager to become a voter... until they announced the official outcome for GE13. i feel like, even if i get to vote, no point still.
may you think i am too young to talk about this.
Im not like, 'Pakatan Rakyat must win this election.'
all i wanted to see was a 'Clean and Fair election.'
i want real democracy. but,
1. the districts boundaries - giving advantages to one party
by just giving one reason. When we got our independence from the British, our enforced law on this was fair and nice. then, slowly the difference of votes for different parties was increased to 15%, and in 1970s increased to 30%, and now, there is no limit on this matter. See the number of constituents in each electoral districts.. burrr ok if you know then you will understand
and im not surprised that Barisan has won this election again with 133 Parliament seats against 89 seats by Pakatan.
i wasn't sad because of the outcome, just being disappointed with the polling system. Everyone knows, 'by law', SPR is an individual body. 'BY LAW'.
'BY LAW', the judiciary is independent from the government.
'BY LAW', the three main components in ruling a country should not be attached to each other.
even, look at our MACC. anti-corruption committee. we don't have to say anything, Malaysians know. Can you believe that the ICAC in Hong Kong, was actually inspired by our MACC too? but they are fully detached from the government. They can access to ANYONE's income and all. look at ours....
And they are talking about Tsunami Cina because the Chinese votes all go to pakatan. oh man, remind me who proposed the '1 Malaysia' thingy? ahh, almost forgot that even your deputy also a 'Malay first, Malaysian second' person.
I can't see the future.
one good thing about GE13 :
Motivated me so much to work harder, to strive harder.
get a job opportunity out there.
and LEAVE.
first thing now, not failing any exam and, to be twinned to a good uni.
I'm proud to be a Malaysian, just that, when others are moving forward, why would you still turn back?
Merahmu bara semangat waja,
Putihmu bersih budi pekerti,
Kuning berdaulat payung negara,
Biru perpaduan kami semua.
i have too much to say actually...but...going back to bukit jalil soon HAHAHAHHA
so i shall leave it to myself. BYE.
**the country**
my dad has actually warned me not to post anything extreme regarding the politics online since so looooooooong time ago. now i think about it, im not that extreme though, i guess.
So yeah, last Sunday morning the polling started.. im not qualified to vote yet, aha, one more year to be legal to register as a voter.
i have to say, i was so eager to become a voter... until they announced the official outcome for GE13. i feel like, even if i get to vote, no point still.
may you think i am too young to talk about this.
Im not like, 'Pakatan Rakyat must win this election.'
all i wanted to see was a 'Clean and Fair election.'
i want real democracy. but,
1. the districts boundaries - giving advantages to one party
by just giving one reason. When we got our independence from the British, our enforced law on this was fair and nice. then, slowly the difference of votes for different parties was increased to 15%, and in 1970s increased to 30%, and now, there is no limit on this matter. See the number of constituents in each electoral districts.. burrr ok if you know then you will understand
and im not surprised that Barisan has won this election again with 133 Parliament seats against 89 seats by Pakatan.
i wasn't sad because of the outcome, just being disappointed with the polling system. Everyone knows, 'by law', SPR is an individual body. 'BY LAW'.
'BY LAW', the judiciary is independent from the government.
'BY LAW', the three main components in ruling a country should not be attached to each other.
even, look at our MACC. anti-corruption committee. we don't have to say anything, Malaysians know. Can you believe that the ICAC in Hong Kong, was actually inspired by our MACC too? but they are fully detached from the government. They can access to ANYONE's income and all. look at ours....
And they are talking about Tsunami Cina because the Chinese votes all go to pakatan. oh man, remind me who proposed the '1 Malaysia' thingy? ahh, almost forgot that even your deputy also a 'Malay first, Malaysian second' person.
I can't see the future.
one good thing about GE13 :
Motivated me so much to work harder, to strive harder.
get a job opportunity out there.
and LEAVE.
first thing now, not failing any exam and, to be twinned to a good uni.
I'm proud to be a Malaysian, just that, when others are moving forward, why would you still turn back?
Merahmu bara semangat waja,
Putihmu bersih budi pekerti,
Kuning berdaulat payung negara,
Biru perpaduan kami semua.
i have too much to say actually...but...going back to bukit jalil soon HAHAHAHHA
so i shall leave it to myself. BYE.
**the country**
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Identity Thief
Watched the movie < Identity Thief > recently, last Monday, tbs. I remember he said he wanted to watch this. then i received the invitation to the premiere screening by Nuffnang in the morning, short notice, but thank God he's able to make it =P otherwise the tickets burned.
so. i had class until 5pm, as usual /.\
Medical students. NAHHH
Sometimes i really think that i'm a very understanding person. HAHHAHAHA oh well. then we met at MidValley. both of us left quite early to avoid massive jam. so we were there around 7pm, while the movie is at 9.30pm..LOL
so. i had class until 5pm, as usual /.\
Sometimes i really think that i'm a very understanding person. HAHHAHAHA oh well. then we met at MidValley. both of us left quite early to avoid massive jam. so we were there around 7pm, while the movie is at 9.30pm..LOL
too free and so yeah, instagram time..he's a 'hashtagger' lalalala
'Horrible Bosses' Jason Bateman and 'Bridesmaids' Melissa McCarthy lead the cast of Identity Thief, and all-star comedy in which a regular guy is forced to extreme measures to clear his name. with everything to lose after his identity is stolen, he'll find out how crazed you can get trying to settle a bad credit score.
Diana (McCarthy), the queen of retail buys whatever strikes her fancy. The ID she's using to finance these sprees reads "Sandy Bigelow Patterson", and it actually belongs to an accounts representative (Jason Bateman) who lives halfway across the US.
When Diana actually missed the court date, using Sandy's name, the real Sandy was in a big trouble. With only one week to hunt down the con artist, he heads south to confront the woman.
Story goes on how and what happened when they are on their way back to the real Sandy's place.
Diana ( Melissa McCarthy)
i have to say she's cute. HAHAHA
truly all comedy...haha!
what makes their journey more interesting is that Diana was actually targeted by the killers.
For me, the story line is quite interesting. and the way they presented it, it's too funny to describe into words... and i actually find some part near the ending quite sad. When Sandy asked Diana what's her real name.... i feel like i'd realized something important, but i am not sure whether i did. hahaha.
Owh, and, the movie is rated 18 in Malaysia. well....cause there's quite a few 'jokes' and scenes. HAHAHHA lol it's funny overall. Worth to catch it, relax, peers!
GRAHH my face damn big.
but he seems to like this picture. okay. i like it too =P
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